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university projects

  • for my studies at HTW Berlin I did/still do many smaller projects
  • some I do share on GitHub, other I can't because it's more generic assignments
  • below I will provide some shorter summaries on projects

Distributed System with Java

In this course we are doing a total of 4 assignments around enterprise level programming with Java, Java EE and Quarkus. We're also touching on common topics and connected technologies like docker, Redis, MySQL, etc.

Since these are assignments I don't share the code publicly, but I do use what we learn in the Habitus project.

AWS Serverless

For our IT Infrastructure code we build a webapp running on amplify and using a serverless backend running on lambda functions in python and javascript. The StreamingInfoCenter let's people check streaming availability for shows and get notified when they are available again.

We used Lambda Functions, DynamoDB, SES, Amplify, Cognito and some other technologies to build the application. The Function code is on GitHub.

Common Machine Learning Problems

During my studies in Norway we did several assignments on common machine learning problems as we went through the course. Among them the

  • Travelling Salesman Problem
  • evolutionary programming
  • regressions
  • principal component analysis
  • self build neural net

The code for this is not public, since they are university assignments that get graded (and might still be used).

Java Game

In the early semesters of our studies, we build a zombie hunter game with a command line interface in Java. While this does not work anymore really, I used it as inspiration for a new game build on LWJGL called Mortuus which I will start building soon.

The repository is public on GitHub

Vue 2 Webapp

I also did an electable course on mobile applications, in which we (tried) to build an application around student cafeterias in Berlin. It was a bit of an embarrassing attempt in an early semester, but I learned a lot about SPA programming and vue functionalities.

The code is archived on GitHub, but not functioning anymore.