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project: habitus

  • what started as a university project is now my training project for java, spring boot and quarkus
  • habitus is the backend for a habit tracking application, I might use it in another project
  • always WIP

About the Project

habitus it meant to be the training ground for modern Java and especially Spring Boot features. It's also utilising Lombok annotations, which are extremely useful. And I will add quarkus as well, to create a unified Java training ground for both Frameworks.

Feature Roadmap includes the move to a multimodule project, hosting on Digital Ocean with Docker and potentially the implementation into a larger scale project called Unitum.


Throughout university, we learned a lot of java. I want to pour all of that into this project, but currently my skills are actually a bit underrepresented.

Habitus is 100% build in Java, with Gradle and Spring Boot. It's also using Lombok and some other dependencies. Although currently running as one project, I will move it to a multi-module project and also include quarkus plus potentially some caching with redis or other technology.